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Workshop validates research on responsible business conduct and human …

Responsible business conduct

Workshop validates research on responsible business conduct and human rights due diligence in South Korea
Research validation workshop on RBC and HRDD in South Korea, jointly organized by ILO and KIET on 10 Dec 2024, presented findings, gathered stakeholder insights, and promoted dialogue.

15 January 2025

Seoul, South Korea (ILO News) – ‘Forging Ahead: The Labour Dimension of Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) and Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) in Korea’, a research validation workshop jointly organized by the ILO and the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET), took place on 10 December 2024. The aim was to present preliminary findings to stakeholders, gather their further perspectives and insights, and foster meaningful dialogue on a collaborative and inclusive approach to RBC and HRDD in Korea. This research was conducted between July and December 2024 under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the ILO and the Korea National Research Council for Economics, Humanities, and Social Sciences (NRC).

  Representatives from ILO, NRC, KIET, and keynote speakers at the RBC and HRDD research validation workshop in Korea
The event commenced with opening speeches from Mr Dong Cheon Shin, Chairperson of NRC; Mr NamHoon Kwon, President of KIET; and Ms Emily Sims, Senior Specialist at the ILO, all emphasizing the importance and timeliness of the research topic on RBC and HRDD in Korea, a country with a significant presence of multinational enterprises (MNEs).

Two keynote speakers brought global and national perspectives to the table:

Prof Pichamon Yeophantong, Head of Research and Associate Professor at the Centre for Future Defence and National Security, Deakin University, and incoming Vice President of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, delivered a comprehensive analysis of the evolving global landscape of RBC and HRDD. Guided by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, her presentation highlighted the progress achieved and the persistent challenges in implementing and enforcing HRDD.
Prof Joonkoo Lee, Professor at the School of Business, Hanyang University, and Advisor for the 2017 revision of the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration), explored the labour dimension of RBC and HRDD in Korea. He discussed how the changing dynamics of global value chains affect labour governance and shared insights from the experiences of Korean MNEs.
  Ms Emily Sims presenting the ILO's approach to RBC and HRDD, guided by the MNE Declaration, at the research validation workshop
Ms Emily Sims, Senior Specialist at the ILO, provided an overview of the ILO’s approach to RBC and HRDD, emphasizing the guidance offered by the ILO MNE Declaration as a framework for enterprises, governments and social partners. She also introduced practical tools and resources to help enterprises effectively implement HRDD.

Mr Jaehan Cho, Director of Industrial Innovation Policy Division, Center for Industrial Policy Research, KIET, presented key findings from the research on the impact of HRDD in Korea, shedding light on both opportunities and challenges faced by Korean enterprises. A representative from SK C&C, one of Korea's leading MNEs, shared real-world insights and concrete examples of implementing HRDD in business operations, providing a practical perspective to complement the research findings.

The workshop culminated in an interactive roundtable discussion, engaging representatives from key organizations, including Ministry of Employment and Labor (MoEL); Korea Employers’ Federation (KEF); Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI); Federation of Korean Industries (FKI); Korea Federation of SMEs (KBIZ); Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU); and Korea International Trade Association (KITA).

Participants shared their perspectives on challenges and opportunities in implementing HRDD across Korean enterprises. They identified priority actions, such as enhancing awareness, strengthening social dialogue, and improving the integration of HRDD practices into national policy frameworks. Additionally, discussions focused on how better coordination among stakeholders could enhance policy coherence and facilitate HRDD implementation at the national level.

Feedback and insights gathered during the roundtable will inform a research report, set to be published in February 2025. This report will provide actionable recommendations for Korean enterprises and policymakers to strengthen HRDD practices and align business operations with principles of international labour standards and the MNE Declaration, thereby advancing sustainable and responsible business practices within Korea and throughout its supply chains.

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